Saturday, May 13, 2017

Week 10: Visual Effects Basic Techniques

Visual Effects Basic Techniques

Special effects (often abbreviated as SFX, SPFX, or simply FX) are illusions or visual tricks used in the film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the imagined events in a story or virtual world.

Special effects are traditionally divided into the categories of optical effects and mechanical effects. With the emergence of digital film making a distinction between special effects and visual effects has grown, with the latter referring to digital post-production while "special effects" referring to mechanical and optical effects.

 (Image from google images)

Mechanical effects (also called practical or physical effects) are usually accomplished during the live-action shooting. This includes the use of mechanized props, scenery, scale models, animatronics, pyrotechnics and atmospheric effects: creating physical wind, rain, fog, snow, clouds, etc. Making a car appear to drive by itself and blowing up a building are examples of mechanical effects. Mechanical effects are often incorporated into set design and makeup. For example, a set may be built with break-away doors or walls to enhance a fight scene, or prosthetic makeup can be used to make an actor look like a non-human creature.

(Image from google images)

Optical effects (also called photographic effects) are techniques in which images or film frames are created photographically, either "in-camera" using multiple exposure, mattes, or the Schüfftan process, or in post-production using an optical printer. An optical effect might be used to place actors or sets against a different background.
Visual special effects techniques
  • Bullet time
  • Computer-generated imagery (often using Shaders)
  • Digital compositing
  • Dolly zoom
  • In-camera effects
  • Match moving
  • Matte (filmmaking) and Matte painting
  • Miniature effects
  • Morphing
  • Motion control photography
  • Optical effects
  • Optical printing
  • Practical effects
  • Prosthetic makeup effects
  • Rotoscoping
  • Stop motion
  • Go motion
  • Schüfftan process
  • Travelling matte
  • Virtual cinematography
  • Wire removal


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